Free PC games about Saint Nicholas & Black Pete, written by Mike Wiering, © Copyright 1998-2025
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NOTE: These games are now also available as online Flash games: Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet

This site contains two action games about Sinterklaas (freeware). These games were written using the functional programming language Clean. See the source code page for more information on how they were created. Both of these games were based on the original Sint Nicolaas (1998), the concept is pretty much the same.

Sint Nicolaas In this game you must try to collect all the presents and cookies and bring them to the right chimneys, while facing all kinds of dangers. The colors of the presents correspond with colors on the chimneys and each chimney has the number of required cookies written on it. In the game Sint Nicolaas (left), time is limited, you must deliver all the presents before morning breaks!

In the game Zwarte Piet (right), you play with Zwarte Piet instead of with Sinterklaas. Time is unlimited in this version and you stay on top of the roofs (instead of climbing up from the ground). The graphics are also very different, these were rendered in POV-Ray. Finally, this version also uses a higher screen resolution and will require a faster PC in order to run smoothly.

Zwarte Piet
You can download both versions from the download page or take a look at the source code. See the FAQ for a list of answers to common questions about these games.